There are many distractions a driver may encounter while behind the wheel of an automobile. Trying to eat a meal, apply makeup, or text while driving are some common actions that many drivers are guilty of committing on a daily basis. However, there are other actions that can endanger drivers without them even realizing it. One of these is driving while listening to headphones for personal music players.
Unfortunately, when drivers choose to use headphones while on the road, they can put nearby drivers in danger as well. If you or a loved one has suffered an injury because of someone else’s distracted driving, contact the Oklahoma auto accident lawyers of the Abel Law Firm today at (405) 239-7046. Our team of legal representatives can help you fight for the financial compensation you need.
Dangers of Using a Portable Music Player While Driving
In order for a driver to operate a motor vehicle safely, he must pay constant attention to the road and use all of his senses to avoid accidents. When a driver chooses to listen to her music player with headphones or earbuds, she eliminates the ability to hear passing vehicles or emergency vehicles approaching.
Music players also cause drivers to take their hands off the wheel to either hit play or search for a song. This can be just as dangerous as talking or texting on a cell phone because the driver is not paying attention to the road 100% of the time.
Contact Us
Do not suffer any longer because of someone else’s negligent actions while driving. Contact the Oklahoma reckless driving attorneys of the Abel Law Firm today at (405) 239-7046 to schedule a free consultation with a qualified legal representative.