In Oklahoma, dram shop laws pertain to selling alcoholic beverages to the public. Laws that regulate the distribution of alcohol make it unlawful for bars to sell already intoxicated patrons any more alcohol. Additionally, it is illegal to furnish minors (persons under 21) with alcohol. Failure to abide by these laws may result in civil litigation. If a drunk driver has harmed you or someone you love due to the actions of a negligent bartender, you may have grounds for a dram shop liability claim. To discuss the details of your case, contact the Oklahoma City dram shop liability lawyers of the Abel Law Firm. Call (405) 239-7046 today to schedule a free initial consultation, during which you can discuss your legal options.

Oklahoma Office 900 NE 63rd St, Oklahoma City, OK 73105, United States (405) 239-7046

Dram Shop Laws

In Oklahoma, dram shop laws restrict the sale of alcohol to the public. Under dram shop law:

  • It is unlawful to distribute alcohol to persons who appear intoxicated.
  • The sale or distribution of alcohol to persons under the age of 21 is strictly prohibited.

Failure to comply with dram shop laws may be grounds for a lawsuit if it leads to a drunk driving accident or other injuries to innocent parties.

Serving Alcohol to Minors

Serving alcohol to a minor, or anyone under 21, is illegal in all 50 states. To encourage establishments to abide by this law, dram shop laws allow minors to sue the establishment that served them alcohol for any injuries resulting from their drunkenness. For example, if a minor drinks at a bar and trips and falls on their walk home, they may be able to hold the bar liable for their medical expenses.

Visible Intoxication

Establishments are expected to serve alcohol responsibly and are therefore prohibited from serving persons who are visibly intoxicated. If a person becomes intoxicated at a bar and gets into an accident involving a third party on the way home, the innocent party may sue the bar for damages, in addition to the driver.

If an intoxicated driver has injured you, the bartender or restaurant owner who served them past the point of intoxication may be liable for any losses you incur. The Oklahoma City Dram shop liability attorneys of the Abel Law Firm can help you learn more.

Contact Us

Contact an Oklahoma City dram shop attorney today for more information about dram shop laws and liability. Call (405) 239-7046 to speak with a professional about your grounds for filing a legal claim.

Voted Oklahoma's Best Personal Injury Law Firm
The Journal Record 2023 Reader Rankings - Top Winner - Abel Law Firm - Best Peronal Injury Law Firm
The Journal Record 2023 Reader Rankings - Top Winner - Abel Law Firm - Best Peronal Injury Law Firm

Oklahomans across the state have recognized the Abel Law Firm's unique heritage as a statewide institution. Founded by Ed Abel, and today led by his son, Luke Abel, our personal injury law firm has become synonymous with empathy, compassion, and the highest professional performance serving our neighbors. Our family has sought to leave a profound impact upon the State of Oklahoma. We appreciate that former Governor Mary Fallin recognized that dedication when she declared May 1st "Ed Abel Day."

To be named Oklahoma's Best Personal Injury Law Firm is humbling. We are grateful to have won this prestigious honor. We work every day to earn the trust of those we serve: Oklahoma families who are facing some of the most difficulty days of their lives due to the negligence of others. It is our intention and resolve to continue to be deserving of the faith Oklahomans have placed in our family's law firm. Thank you!

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