Buying a toy for your child and seeing his or her face light up with joy and excitement is a truly wonderful feeling. Parents buy their children toys for various reasons. They assume that the toys they purchase are safe for children to use. Unfortunately, many toys that are marketed as safe for young children contain detachable parts or components that can easily become choking hazards and pose a serious threat to the well-being of the kids who play with them.
Choking injuries can be life-threatening. So if your child has been a victim of an unsafe toy, you must take action. Contact the Oklahoma City choking hazard lawyers of the Abel Law Firm at (405) 239-7046 to discuss your legal options.
Choking Injuries
A child is likelier to choke on small parts because a child’s windpipe is much smaller than an adult’s. Small parts can become lodged if they are accidentally swallowed. Companies must warn consumers of any choking hazards a product might pose. But there is also a chance that poorly manufactured toys will break or chip, giving children small parts to put in their mouths.
If a child chokes on a small toy or toy component, he or she could suffer from the following:
- Internal cuts and scrapes
- Lack of oxygen to the brain, resulting in brain damage
- Suffocation leading to death
If a dangerous toy has caused your child harm, you may be eligible for compensation from the toy manufacturer responsible for your child’s unnecessary pain and suffering. A successful lawsuit can not only help you secure the financial assistance you need to cover your child’s injury-related expenses but also bring attention to a dangerous product that could harm other innocent children.
Contact Us
Companies must be held accountable for these inexcusable errors when they fail to produce safe products. Contact the Oklahoma City choking hazard lawyers of the Abel Law Firm at (405) 239-7046 and speak with one of our qualified attorneys today about your case.